Annual Report 2022

Today, nearly 350 million people require humanitarian assistance, almost tripling the numberof people in need from four years ago.
Thanks to the generous support of our funding partners, Medair rose to meet the challenges of 2022.Our operating income grew by more than 25% to USD 105 million, and we reached more than 4.6 millionpeople with aid—by far the most people we have directly helped in our long history.
I was struck by our intentional efforts to engage with communities with respect not only for their needs,but for their strengths. Talking with people in the mountains outside Al Dhale’e, Yemen, I could see themtaking pride in the water-provision project we had all worked on together. In southern Madagascar, I wasso impressed as we sat for hours talking with hundreds of village leaders about where to position waterpoints so everyone would have equitable access. Working this way delivers a restorative impact that goesfar beyond the numbers we report.
Medair saw a change in leadership in 2022, as David Verboom returned to the Netherlands after five years asCEO, leaving the organisation in a strong position financially and operationally. As Medair’s new CEO, I knowwhat makes us unique—we are meticulous about quality, we live out our Christian values as humanitarians, wego the extra mile to reach people in need to deliver life-saving assistance, we seek to provide conflict-sensitiveprogramming, and we take time to build strong relationships.
Thank you for your support for Medair—your financial contributions, your hard work, your precious prayers.You made an impact for people when they needed it most.
Anne Reitsema, Chief Executive Officer
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