Christian communities and churches

Putting faith into action

Engage your community in prayer
Help as a community

Request resources

Start a fundraising campaign

Host a meaningful meal
What churches have to say
“Medair's commitment to humanitarian excellence resonates with our values, fostering a shared journey of compassion, service, and transformative change. Together, we extend our mission beyond our congregation to touch lives globally.”
Get in touch
Get in touch
Frequently Asked Questions
As Christian aid workers, we can offer your church very practical ways of living out their faith in community to change the daily lives of those who suffer, as Matthew 25:40 asks us to do. We can also provide speakers for your events and meetings, send you quarterly prayer requests so that you can pray with us, and provide resources for your small group, youth and children's meetings.
As a partner church, you will provide vital help by supporting health and nutrition projects, shelter and clean water for victims of crises and disasters. You can choose to sponsor a particular country or crisis, or you can support us where the needs are greatest and ensure that no one is left behind.
First of all, let's discuss the different options together and find the one that suits you best. Get in touch with the person in charge of relations with the Churches and Christian communities and don't hesitate to sign up to receive our regular prayer requests so that you can pray with us for the most vulnerable.
We are transparent in the use of our funds. Internationally, 90.5% of any donation we receive goes directly to implementing humanitarian projects and only 9.5% is used for administration and fundraising. Financial accountability is a priority and we strictly adhere to the organisation's code of conduct and safeguarding policies. All this is explained in our Commitment to our donors.
Yes, we're delighted every time a community invites us to talk about our work and the different ways of getting involved. Just ask the person in charge of relations with churches and Christian communities.
Yes. Contact us and we will provide you with all necessary resources.