Executive Leadership Team

Our experienced leaders come from a variety of backgrounds, but all share a passionate commitment to bringing relief to people facing hardship with humility and compassion.

Executive Leadership Team

Our experienced leaders come from a variety of backgrounds, but all share a passionate commitment to bringing relief to people facing hardship with humility and compassion.
Gouvernance opérationnelle
L’équipe exécutive, basée à Chabeuil, travaille en lien avec la gouvernance associative, avec le siège international, avec les directeurs pays et les équipes à travers nos pays d’intervention. Elle apporte son soutien aux projets mis en œuvre pour venir en aide aux plus vulnérables
Gouvernance opérationnelle
L’équipe exécutive, basée à Chabeuil, travaille en lien avec la gouvernance associative, avec le siège international, avec les directeurs pays et les équipes à travers nos pays d’intervention. Elle apporte son soutien aux projets mis en œuvre pour venir en aide aux plus vulnérables
Annick Balocco
Rebecca Milan
Chargée de partenariats
Nath Fauveau
Chargée de suivi opérationnel des programmes
Priscille Dugand
Chargée de missions administratives et financières
Anne Reitsema, CEO of Medair
Anne Reitsema
Chief Executive Officer
Anne Reitsema was appointed as Medair’s Chief Executive Officer in 2023. Anne joined Medair in 2004 and has since led Medair’s programmes in Zimbabwe, Angola, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan, and overseen Medair’s programmes in the Horn of Africa from the Global Support Office. In 2019, Anne became International Programmes Director and in 2021 Anne joined the Global Emergency Directors Group. Before joining Medair, Anne worked as a social worker and counselor. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the North West University Potchefstroom in South Africa, and a master’s degree in Counselling from CTS in Saint Louis, Missouri in the US. Anne was born and raised in South Africa and currently lives in Switzerland.
Edwige Cail
chargée du développement
Heidi Cockram, Information Technology Services Director and Logistics of Medair
Heidi Cockram
Information Technology Services Director and Logistics
Heidi became Information Technology Services Director in 2019. Previously, Heidi was Country Director for Medair’s programmes in Nepal, the Philippines, and Myanmar. Heidi has more than 20 years of experience in management and information technology in both the private and humanitarian sectors. She studied Telecommunications Management, holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, and a graduate certificate in International Development from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Heidi oversees Medair’s information technology and communications resources worldwide, and supports country programmes in harnessing innovation and technology to increase Medair’s global impact. Heidi is Australian and lives in Switzerland.
Jean-Bernard Palthey, Engagement Director of Medair
Jean-Bernard Palthey
Engagement Director
Jean-Bernard studied at HEC in Paris. He began his career with L’Oréal in Finland then in France as a business controller. A few years later, he moved to the Bourjois-Chanel Group where he held different positions in controlling, business development and sales. In 2005, he moved with his family to Switzerland to work for Nestlé. After a couple of years as a project leader in marketing and innovation, he spent ten years as global marketing manager contributing to the launch and worldwide roll-out of the Nescafé Dolce Gusto brand. In 2017, he created his own consulting company working for religious communities, to help them define and execute a long term vision and balance between community life and economic activities. Jean-Bernard is both Swiss and French, is married with Claire and they have 5 children.
Adeola Akintoye, Finance Director
Adeola Akintoye
Finance Director
Adeola Akintoye joined Medair in 2022 as Finance Director. She is a member of the association of chartered certified Accountants (ACCA) and has been a senior leader in the international charity sector throughout her 25 year career. Adeola holds Masters Degree in Business Information Technology from Middlesex University, United Kingdom, as well as a Masters Degree in Leadership and Development from Kings College University, United Kingdom. Adeola oversees financial management to support the delivery of Medair’s worldwide mission. She brings a broad range of skills and experience to her role including leadership, organisation development and risk management. Adeola is a Nigerian-British national blessed with three beautiful daughters.
Lauriane Roucheyroux
Chargée de relations donateurs
Fraser Bell
Executive Director – Strategy and Partnerships
Fraser joined the Executive Team in 2023. His primary responsibility is to lead on strategy development and build partnerships within the humanitarian sector and the global church. He served as Vice-Chair of the International Board of Trustees from 2018-2022. Previously he led emergency responses for Medair in South Sudan, Darfur and Uganda from 1997-2008. In between his stints with Medair, Fraser built a global development practice for a leadership consultancy, grew a family business and led a community of prayer. Fraser holds a Masters Degree in International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law from the University of Nottingham.
Gareth Hughes
International Programme Director
Gareth became Medair’s International Programme Director in 2023. He joined the company in 2019 as Head of Country Programmes for Sudan, Jordan, and Iraq, after spending 12 years working with international humanitarian organisations, including Merlin and Tearfund in fragile contexts around the globe. Before launching into the humanitarian sector, Gareth spent 5 years working for the British Government, where he coordinated strategic priorities on international development and foreign policy across government departments. Gareth is a British national and lives in Switzerland.

International Board of Trustees

Our International Board of Trustees helps to shape Medair's long-term vision and strategy, and supports our Executive Leadership Team in their collective decision-making.

Board of Trustees

Fabienne Ray
Fabienne a été élue à la présidence de Medair en France en mars 2020. Infirmière, elle a rejoint Medair en 2000. Elle a travaillé pendant 10 ans dans différentes zones d’intervention, notamment au Kenya, Mozambique, Angola, Soudan, Somaliland /Somalie et Soudan du Sud, dans des contextes de sécheresse, inondation, épidémie, urgence nutritionnelle ou crise multifactorielle, en temps de paix ou de conflit. Elle a occupé différentes responsabilités de chef de projet de santé, conseillère nationale santé nutrition avec une voix reconnue dans les décisions stratégique au niveau national avec les Nations Unies et le Ministère de la Santé au Soudan du Sud notamment. Elle a rejoint le conseil d’administration de Medair en 2012.
Aurélie Rose
Après des études littéraires, cinématographiques et de management en France et en Suède, Aurélie commence sa carrière dans la banque et le mécénat. En 2012 elle intègre l’AFM-Téléthon où elle travaille sur l’émission du Téléthon et plus particulièrement sur la mobilisation et premières collectes des Français de l’étranger. Elle devient responsable commerciale en 2014 chez Wifirst, filiale télécoms du groupe Bolloré , où elle développe le portefeuille grands comptes notamment dans le secteur de la santé. Riche de son profil commercial/caritatif, Aurélie rejoint le Secours Catholique en 2016 pour mettre en place et développer les stratégies de collecte à destination des donateurs stratégiques et des grands donateurs. Elle occupe le poste de responsable philanthropie depuis 2019. Passionnée par le secteur, Aurélie est intervenante à l’Association Française des Fundraisers sur les sujets grands donateurs, et a obtenu un postgraduate diploma de la City University of London en Philanthropy, Grantmaking et social investment. En 2023 elle intègre le CA de Medair.
Ketsia Bonnaz
Diplômée d’école de commerce, Ketsia a travaillé sur le terrain humanitaire de 4 continents durant plusieurs années et notamment de 2015 à 2018 avec Medair en tant que logisticienne et coordinatrice de projets. De retour en France, elle a créé son activité indépendante de coaching professionnel, formation et consultance en stratégie et développement organisationnel. Souhaitant poursuivre son engagement humanitaire de diverses manières, elle rejoint le conseil d’administration de Medair France en 2021 et lui fait bénéficier de sa motivation, sa connaissance du terrain, et son expertise professionnelle et humaine.
Jim Jackson
Jim a plus de 30 ans d’expérience en gestion et droit international au service de gouvernements, de cabinets privés et d’entreprises. Il est titulaire d’une licence en économie de l’université Duke, d’un master en économie de l’université de Miami (Floride) et d’un diplôme en droit de l’université de Floride. Après ses études de droit, Jim a travaillé à Washington, d’abord comme avocat pour le Bureau de la concurrence de la US Federal Trade Commission, puis pour le cabinet Arnold & Porter. Jim a ensuite abandonné la pratique libérale pour rejoindre en Suisse le groupe Altria où il a occupé plusieurs postes de responsable juridique senior avant de rejoindre le siège international de Medair comme bénévole en août 2010.
Larribau Lionel
20 ans d’expérience à l’intersection entre du développement commercial, de l’entrepreneuriat, du marketing et du fundraising. Lionel a eu 3 vies professionnelles : direction commerciale pendant 14 ans, entrepreneur, directeur général d’ONG et de cabinet de conseil. Avant de diriger Flying Cars, le premier cabinet de stratégie qui allie le sens et la performance au service des Entreprises pour le bien commun, Lionel était DG de Mercy Ships France, une ONG basée sur des valeurs chrétiennes qui déploie les plus grands navires civils hôpitaux au monde pour les plus vulnérables. Précédemment il avait créé un cabinet de recrutement pour les francophones souhaitant s’expatrier au Québec. Il rejoint le CA de Medair en 2024
James Featherby
James Featherby
James has many years experience in the international charitable and business sectors, with a particular emphasis on governance and the application of his Christian faith in all walks of life. He worked in the City of London for 30 years, and for 20 of these as a corporate partner of Slaughter and May, one of the City’s leading international law firms. Whilst there, he led or founded numerous Christian initiatives. For six years, he was chair of the committee advising Europe’s largest ethical investor on ethical investment, and particularly helped to re-orientate its approach to climate change and the global extractives industry. James works with YWAM, one of Medair’s founding partners, and from 2015-2021, he was chair of The British and Foreign Bible Society. James has written and spoken extensively on the need for business to better serve the common good, and is the general editor of a book on global business and human rights. He has a degree in theology and law from Cambridge University. James is married, with five adult children and 10 grandchildren. He is passionate about the countryside and seeing young people fulfil their potential.
Jean-Claude Gottraux
Jean-Claude Gottraux
Jean-Claude has more than 35 years of broad leadership experience, having occupied multiple senior executive positions in the pharmaceutical and IVD (In Vitro Diagnostics) industry with Roche in 10 different countries on five continents. Since retiring in 2018, he has focused on various volunteering and philanthropic activities. Jean-Claude is Council Chair of the International Protestant Church in Zurich and is also a member of the Ashoka Support Network. Prior to serving on Medair’s International Board of Trustees, Jean-Claude had been working closely with Medair since 2018, providing valuable coaching and strategic support
Rachel Forster MBE
Rachel Forster MBE
Rachel is a UK-qualified lawyer who has worked in London for international and national blue-chip clients. In 1997, she decided to join Medair and made a huge, life-changing move to South Sudan, shifting from working with the wealthy and privileged in London to serving the poor and forgotten in the Global South. What was initially meant to be a 2-year experience turned into a 16-year adventure in East Africa working in aid and then development. Rachel advised international NGOs and institutional donors on legal and governance issues, advocacy and justice campaigning but more importantly met so many inspirational people along the way which enriched her life perspective and vision. Rachel has been instrumental in, and has convened, a wide range of governance structures and organisational committees within church communities as well as professionally. As Secretariat to the multi-donor group on Private Sector Development and Trade, she coordinated the work of major bilateral and multilateral donors in Tanzania in private sector development and trade. She is a linguist who is passionate about the value of cross-cultural communication and of bringing different communities together for mutual benefit. Rachel was awarded an MBE (Member of the British Empire) honour by the Queen in 2015 for “services to international development, humanitarian relief and poverty reduction”.
Anne Headon
Anne Headon
Swiss and French
Anne is an international business leader operating at the board level with a strong strategy, innovation, and marketing background. She is a business mentor supporting start-ups and scale-ups, in collaboration with leading universities in Switzerland and the UK. Anne is currently a member of four corporate boards and one non-profit board (Medair). She was a past board member of two non-profit and two corporate boards. Anne works as Growth Expert and Tutor in the Entrepreneurship Centre of the Said Business School of the University of Oxford. Prior to this, Anne was co-founder and partner of Crescendo Marketing in Switzerland, a market research and marketing strategy agency. She served as Marketing Director of the L’Oreal Group in the UK and worked in brand management for Procter & Gamble in Switzerland. Her first career steps were in management consulting with McKinsey & Co in Switzerland. Anne earned a Master of Science in Business with honours from HEC Lausanne (Faculté des Hautes Études Commerciales), where she later served as a Business Advisory Board Member. She also holds an MBA from INSEAD (the European Institute of Business Administration) in France.
Benoit Mandosse
Benoit Mandosse
Benoît is currently a partner at Dominicé & Co Asset Management, in charge of Wealth Management. At the start of his career, he was a manager for Arthur Andersen in Geneva and London, where he worked on audits and corporate reorganizations, mainly in the banking sector. Benoît was also involved in setting up information systems. Prior to his current position at Dominicé, Benoît worked for Lombard Odier & Cie Geneva, a private bank. Benoît mainly served wealthy foreigners living in Switzerland.
Thabani Maphosa
Thabani Maphosa
Thabani is the Managing Director of Country Programmes for Gavi, a world-class global health NGO. Based in Geneva, he oversees operations in 73 countries, managing Gavi’s relationships with governments and providing grant management oversight. Prior to joining Gavi, Thabani worked with World Vision International for over 16 years, climbing through the ranks to the senior-most levels of global humanitarian operations. Thabani is an outstanding leader in the humanitarian sector, with gifts in horizon-scanning for trends in the global INGO and health sectors, and insight into how to create strong programme quality and expertise in partnership building.
David Masua
David Masua
Ugandan and South Sudanese
David serves as the Executive Director of Windle Trust International, a well-regarded education NGO working in the East and Horn of Africa region. He has worked as an education professional for over 20 years, including as the Windle Trust International Country Director in South Sudan for over 10 years. David travels regularly across East Africa, including Sudan and South Sudan. He maintains strong government and donor relations in the region and a deep insight into the challenges and opportunities of working in these contexts. As a former refugee himself, David brings insights based on lived experience to the challenges facing displaced people. David holds an MBA from the University of Nottingham, an MA in Educational Research from Durham University, and an MSc in Education and Training for Development from the University of Reading.
Chidi Okpala
Chidi Okpala
Chidi is the Founder and CEO of Asante Financial Services Group, a leading NeoBank for growing businesses in Africa, with operations in Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Uganda. Prior to that, he was the Group Managing Director for Fintech and Digital at Atlas Mara Inc., where he led the Digital Financial Services business group. Before Atlas Mara, Chidi was Founder and CEO for Airtel Money Africa, where he built the Mobile Money business across 17 countries in Africa. He has also served as the Group Executive in charge of retail banking for United Bank for Africa Plc, overseeing personal and business banking across 19 markets in Africa, and as a Senior Consultant in Financial Services Strategy Consulting with Accenture. Chidi is a Digital Economy enthusiast, and he is committed to an African future of inclusive growth and shared prosperity. He is an avid badminton player and holds an MBA from the University of Nigeria and a Sloan MSc from the London Business School as a Chevening Scholar.

International Board of Trustees

Our International Board of Trustees helps to shape Medair's long-term vision and strategy, and supports our Executive Leadership Team in their collective decision-making.

Medair’s founders

In 1988, a small group of Christian volunteers from Switzerland travelled to Uganda to provide relief to displaced people who
were returning to their devastated communities after conflict.
Within a year, Medair was officially registered as an international, non-governmental organisation
in Switzerland.

Since then, Medair has provided emergency relief to
over 53 million people in 43 crisis-affected countries.
Yet, what drove us more than 35 years ago still drives us
today – that where you live should
not determine whether you live.
Part of people who founded Medair in 1989

Be part of restoring hope in people’s lives

Explore meaningful ways to get involved and make a difference.