Trust & Foundations: Partnering together for positive change

We rely on your generosity to drive positive change in communities worldwide. Partnerships with trusts and foundations help us provide life-saving support and supplies to communities affected by disease, disaster and conflict, and enable sustainable, long-term solutions to increase their resilience.

We go the extra mile to help people in need, wherever they are.

We go where others don't to reach people impacted by emergencies and crises so they can live in dignity, free from human suffering, and with hope for a better future. 

Since 1989, Medair has provided life-saving humanitarian assistance to more than 53 million people in 43 crisis-affected countries. When emergencies happen, we move fast to bring relief then stay to help communities recover – working side-by-side with people to find the solutions that are best for them.
Medair staff crossing river in Congo


Saving lives and rebuilding together

You choose the impact you wish to make by partnering with us for a specific project, country, or cause. We have projects that specifically address vulnerable communities’ needs for health, nutrition, shelter, safe water (WASH), and disaster risk reduction.

Discover some of our current projects

Medair staff in a white coat assisting a woman.

Healthcare and nutrition services for communities in DR Congo

Recurring conflict in eastern DR Congo is displacing entire communities and depriving them of essential healthcare and nutrition services. Our comprehensive, multi-prong project provides a solution to this critical gap. Your partnership can help build new health facilities; improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services at existing healthcare facilities; and establish community gardens to combat child malnutrition.

Building communities’ resilience in South Sudan

Prolonged conflict, rapid displacement, and recurring climate shocks have left communities in South Sudan unable to access their most basic needs for food, shelter, and water. That’s why our Emergency Response Team is committed to providing urgent health and nutrition assistance that prevent disease outbreaks and treat acute malnutrition, and to improving people’s access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions.
Women Medair staff in a crowd, in South Sudan
Artolution project in Lebanon

Using art to improve mental health and wellbeing in Lebanon

Access to mental health and psychosocial support is as essential as other services to people who have endured the trauma of conflict, displacement, and compounding crises. Medair is currently addressing the mental health needs of Syrian refugees and vulnerable families in Lebanon through a unique partnership with Artolution. Your partnership can help bring healing and hope to more communities affected by crisis.

Committed to excellence

As partners, trust is paramount. That’s why we promise to be transparent and accountable for our actions. With us, you’ll know exactly what impact you make and how you directly contribute to life-saving initiatives.

We are accountable

We promise to update you on your impact and will provide you with a detailed report of your achievements at the end of the project.

We are credible

With more than 35 years of experience, we are trusted and known for providing high-quality humanitarian assistance and have strong ties to the local context, with 90% of our staff recruited nationally.

We are impactful

Partnerships like yours help unlock humanitarian funding from government institutions and the United Nations, allowing us to scale our impact. 90.5% of your financial support goes directly to delivering life-saving humanitarian assistance to people affected by conflict and disaster.

We are transparent

As signatories of the ICRC Code of Conduct, we uphold the humanitarian principles of impartiality, neutrality and independence. We are audited annually by Ernst & Young, and if you wish, your partnership can be featured in our Annual Report.

What our partners have to say

Personal stories of change and progress

“What a privilege to have witnessed Medair help Ukrainian refugees in Poland between 2022 and 2023. Protecting people's dignity means interacting with communities responsibly. The team on the ground did this with such grace and empathy. I would like to thank them sincerely for this beautiful lesson in humanity and humility.”

Muriel Guigue
Cartier Philanthropy

“The information we receive regularly throughout the year convinces us that we are helping to support sustainable and meaningful work. The annual personal exchange with the project manager adds to the positive impression.”

Marianne Schwyn
Founder and foundation board member, Hans and Marianne Schwyn Foundation

“We supported Medair’s humanitarian responses in Ukraine in 2022 and Türkiye Syria earthquake in 2023 and we deeply affirm Medair’s immediate actions after such crises. Medair’s situation reports, networking capacity, and rapid assessments make our support possible to hard-to-reach areas.”

Hsin Ni
The Mustard Seed Mission

Explore our reports

We are committed to delivering results, being transparent in our spending and using every contribution wisely.

Five Factors Driving Neglected Crises written by Members of the Integral Alliance

Five Factors Driving Neglected Crises written by Members of the Integral Alliance

Financial report 2023

Consolidated Financial Statements 2023

Annual Report 2023

Read our 2023 Annual Report - a valuable overview of the impact of Medair's work providing life-saving assistance in 13 countries during a year of global upheaval.

Engage your foundation in a meaningful partnership

Contact our Philanthropy Manager to discuss how we can partner.

Engage your foundation in a meaningful partnership

Contact our Philanthropy Manager to discuss how we can partner.