
Health Improvement Journey

Overcoming health challenges by embracing better habits.

“We lost everything, our home and farm, therefore I left everything behind me. I carry hope to have a better place for me and for my family,” Fozeh said, her voice heavy with the weight of displacement but her spirit resilient with the promise of a brighter future.

In 2011, the conflict in Syria forced Fozeh and her family to flee their home, leaving behind the life they once knew. They faced the harsh reality of displacement and loss. Now, Fozeh lives alone in a small tent in south Amman. Lacking financial support, she has been forced to work as a farmer, but her ability to work has been hindered by severe back pain that has plagued her in recent years. Fozeh’s health issues only add to her struggles; hypertension and diabetes, compounded by her heavy smoking habit, that weigh heavily on her health.

Medair’s Community Health Volunteer (CHV) reached out to Fozeh, and after undergoing an assessment, she was enrolled in Medair’s support. She began attending social and behaviour change community (SBCC) sessions, followed by one-on-one SBCC sessions. Through these sessions, Fozeh started to make significant strides in improving her health. She gained insight into the detrimental effects of smoking on her well-being and gradually reduced her cigarette consumption from a packet a day to just one packet every five days, eventually quitting altogether.

Heba, the Health Officer, conducts a blood pressure check for Fozeh

“I was aware that smoking is a bad habit, but I had never seriously considered quitting. It affected my health, from my breathing to my eating habits and even my mood. Since I decided to quit, I’ve felt a positive change. I can breathe more easily, and I’ve noticed improvements in my overall energy and mood. I feel more comfortable, active, and I am controlling my feelings more now. ”  Fozeh said  

Not only did Fozeh’s smoking habits improve, but so did her overall health. With access to cash assistance for medication and regular exercise through walking, she began to see positive changes. Her diet improved, and her diabetes management became more effective. Through the SBCC sessions, Fozeh’s test results showed remarkable progress, with her diabetes reaching normal levels, leading to her to no longer needing medication for its management.

Fozeh and her grandsons

“I followed the advice, and after quitting smoking, I wanted to improve my overall health. After learning that my diet affected my health, not only did I cut sugar, but I also added a balanced diet and exercise to control diabetes and blood pressure. They told me that changing negative habits would bring positiveness to my life, and it did. I want to live a healthy life now,” Fozeh said.

Rania, a Community Health Volunteer

“Our health is the most important thing in life, if our health is good, we can take care of our families. Therefore, we desire to improve health awareness among people” Rania, a Community Health Volunteer said.

With support from EU humanitarian aid, Fozeh’s health has seen significant improvement. She now feels more capable of managing her health and experiences greater satisfaction. Equipped with newfound knowledge of healthier habits and a balanced diet, Fozeh is empowered to take charge of her well-being.

On April 7th, the World Health Organization promotes World Health Day. Its objective is to raise awareness about health issues, stimulate discussions, advocate for policies and initiatives that enhance public health, and mobilize individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to collaborate towards achieving healthier societies globally.



With support from the European Union, Medair is supporting vulnerable refugees to overcome ongoing access barriers to healthcare and emergency treatment.

This content was produced with resources gathered by Medair field staff. The views expressed herein are those solely of Medair and should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of any other organization.