What Safe Water Means to a Community

In the wet northeast region of Madagascar, there is a small rural community named Ambodiampana. Life has changed so much here since 2001.

In the wet northeast region of Madagascar, there is a small rural community named Ambodiampana. Life has changed so much here since 2001.

Back then, everyone drank the river water. There were no other options. They walked several kilometres a day to fetch and carry this unsafe water back home. As you might expect, the people suffered from waterborne diseases.

When Dr Charline arrived from the capital city of Antananarivo to become the Head Doctor of Ambodiapana’s Primary Health Centre, she was accustomed to drinking safe water from the tap. “The river water had a bizarre taste,” she said. “Above all, as a doctor, I knew it was not at all good for health.”