Living amidst shelling

Living amidst shelling

Oleksandr and Halyna, both in their seventies, lived in a peaceful village where their day-to-day was blissful, and uneventful – until one day, their house was struck by a missile, damaging the roof and foundations and leaving their picturesque house almost...
Joining Forces for the Vulnerable

Joining Forces for the Vulnerable

“We prefer when it rains during the day,” Napita tells us. She is 36 and recently fled the fighting in Khartoum with her family back to her old home, South Sudan. “It’s dark at night and we can’t see the poisonous snakes around us, which...
Memory’s Rebirth

Memory’s Rebirth

“I must say that I bow down to all those people in the world who support us. I pray for all those who helped us during this difficult time,” Anna said with tears in her eyes. Before the war, life was idyllic in Anna’s village. Located in eastern Ukraine, close...
Your contribution makes a difference

Your contribution makes a difference

“It’s been a valuable experience for me,” Tala said, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. “The Medair team trained us for a month before starting our daily door-to-door visits, and now we’re helping to raise awareness among our community members.” Tala and...
From Fear to Hope

From Fear to Hope

  Zhenya and her family spent their entire lives in their hometown in southern Ukraine. She began her career as a cook at a sports school and dedicated 30 years to her profession. Life was simple, and they were content in their hometown. But then – their lives...
Wheels of Hope

Wheels of Hope

“My family supports me in playing sports; they believe in my capacity to play and prove that disability is not something that stops you. For me, this is the starting point where you should begin. Life is challenging, and we can’t always have everything that we...
Empowering Adolescents Through Peer Support Groups

Empowering Adolescents Through Peer Support Groups

“I believe mental health is connected to our overall health and well-being. Participating in these sessions has made me realize how important it is to share my thoughts collectively with others in a safe space,” says Luciana. A project visit with Medair’s mental...
Relieving suffering in Sudan

Relieving suffering in Sudan

Since the outbreak of fierce fighting in Sudan in April 2023, the situation of the country’s people has deteriorated daily. What began as a humanitarian emergency in the spring has developed into one of the largest and most dynamic crises of our time. The great...